earth care
Grow Together is committed to educating ourselves in earth-care ideology and strategy. We are inspired and learning from regenerative and permaculture land practices, traditional-ecological-knowledge and whole systems theory. Grow Together is dedicated to understanding the origins of the land we work with and aim to uplift traditional knowledge of earth-based relationships. We acknowledge the native lands where we perform our work and give back a portion of our profit as reparations tax.
We believe that the earth’s natural practices and tendencies are wise. We refrain from using any chemical pesticides and rely instead on planting a diversity of plant species. This in turn promotes beneficial insects, increases biomass through nutrient dense inner-species networks, and replenishes soil health through on site compost.
local economy
We believe community participation, support, and integration promote caring cultures. We look to source and hire locally as much as possible.
Communities in nature offer freely their abundant gifts. We believe in alternatives to the capitalist economy and are open to collaborating through skills-exchange and trades.